It is every parent's dream for their children to eat their veggies! We hear it all the time, how we need to have them eat more veggies! It is a feat worth bragging about. Our daughter loves veggies! We have...
Summer is approaching, and you know what that means. It is festival season! There was a time in my life when I would be planning for my trip to Bonnaroo. Then I grew up, moved to the suburbs, had...
I learned the value and magic of the performing arts from a very young age. I started taking ballet when I was four. I appeared with my mother in my first opera at about the same age (as the...
If you're anything like me, you're constantly trying to find some new playground areas for your kids. We have our standards - Vandergriff Park in Hixson and White Oak Park close to our home - but a new playground...
Eek. I am cringing writing that title. If you have seen me out in public (okay, Walmart) in my baggy pants and husband's old sweatshirt, trying to run in and grab milk before my windows break from the screams...
Before having children, you know we all cringed when we heard a misbehaving child at a restaurant. The screaming, food-chucking and tantrum-throwing isn’t pretty and certainly isn’t conducive to a fine dining experience. The poor parents look frazzled and...
Today is, coincidentally, my older son Jack’s fourth birthday. Later on we will eat massive quantities of sushi and cake (amazing combo) and I will reflect on our time together so far, particularly the state I was in four...
I'm not going to lie - some days I need a thumbs up or a hearty pat on the back. I'm talking about the days that seem overwhelming, the days that make it feel like you're drowning trying to...
Let me just brag for a six-year-old is a SUPERHERO! I mean a saving-the-world-one-green-bean-can-at-a-time superhero! Just look at her go! This past Thursday my oldest daughter and I volunteered at the Chattanooga Area Food Bank's Family Night. They have these on...
...because, babies are hard. Real hard. At the end of the day, you wouldn't change anything about becoming a parent. But the rest of the day is up for grabs (just kidding, just kidding...). We are a "one and done"...

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In + Around Chattanooga

Chattanooga Swim Spots Nature Edition

Chattanooga Swim Spots {Nature Edition}

Our rule in summer is that there must be water nearby to enjoy an outdoor activity! We love swimming pools with friends and our...