When I married my husband almost eight years ago, I knew that there would be many differences that would come to light in those first few weeks. We would have wrong expectations about an array of things: Who would...
Just one look at the news headlines or a quick scroll through Facebook will tell you this: the world we live in is a crazy place, and much of what is going on seems out of our control. As...
Not the movie. But I do turn into a scary, sound-hunting momster during my son's quiet time. We didn't always do quiet time, but it became a life-or-death situation for my sanity. So, as of two weeks ago, we do...
We all know them, the familiar phrases one hears on repeat in those fragile early months of new motherhood. Well meaning folks coming off a full night's sleep who will smile at you in the checkout line and urge...
There has not been one time this summer when I've wished for school to be back in session. That's not to say there haven't been difficult times, times where kids are fighting, or times when I realize JUST HOW...
I loathe all things plastic, and yet after having a kid, my house is full of the stuff. Ironically, my child’s favorite toys lately are made out of recyclable plastic. Never mind the toys, though. There’s plenty of other...
Hey Pinterest, you’ve failed me. I can find diaper bag packing posts, birth plan posts, c-section posts, how to make certified, organic, FDA approved baby food posts...but where are the WEANING stories? Oh, sure I found some buried in...
We are already at the halfway(ish) point of summer break, and I am begging time to slow down. There are still so many adventures to take, still so many cannonballs to perform, still so many fireflies to chase, still...
First thing every morning I consider my goals for the day. What do I hope to achieve before the day ends? I think about the kids and how they’ll need me (subject to change 19 times, of course). I...
When our son Rory came into the world, I knew right away he was different. By the time he was one-year-old, doctors agreed with me. By two-years-old, most family and close friends were aware of it. However, it wasn’t...

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In + Around Chattanooga

Chattanooga Swim Spots Nature Edition

Chattanooga Swim Spots {Nature Edition}

Our rule in summer is that there must be water nearby to enjoy an outdoor activity! We love swimming pools with friends and our...