Rachel Anderson

Rachel Anderson
Hi! I’m Rachel Anderson. I married my high school sweetheart and am mommy to 3 precious boys. I hope my writings leave you inspired, less alone in motherhood, and encouraged!

Making Time To Read As A Mom

I used to read all the time. In my twenties, I would keep a notepad with all the titles of books I had read. I loved to look back each year and recall authors...
My Week In The NICU

My Week In The NICU

I am a NICU mom, member of a club I never imagined myself being a part of. Last year, I had our third baby and everything was blissful for about 30 minutes. I was...
Bringing Back Simple Hospitality

Bringing Back Simple Hospitality

A few years ago, I started a book club at my house. We had no doors on our pantry or kitchen cabinets. We had just moved into our house and had several projects...
Moving Madness: Tips for Moving with Kids

Moving Madness: Tips for Moving with Kids

I recently discovered that there are five things deemed most stressful in life. The topic came up in a recent conversation and I was shocked to learn from a quick Google search that moving...
For All the Moms

For All The Moms

I love that we set aside a whole day to honor and celebrate the women who raised us. Mother’s Day holds a special place in my heart because of the little ones who made...
Are Relaxing Vacations Possible During the Little Years?

Are Relaxing Vacations Possible During the Little Years?

Does anyone else remember your first vacation as new parents? The anticipation, planning the activities, and imagining how wonderful and magical it will be experiencing your first vacation as a family of three. Then,...
Simplifying Your Kids' Wardrobes

Simplifying Your Kids Wardrobes

I remember being a new mom, and a close friend was over visiting and we were in my son's room. She looked in his closet and said, “where are all his clothes!?" I didn’t...
What is Your Child's Love Language?

What is Your Child’s Love Language?

A few years ago, my husband and I found ourselves completely at a loss in understanding certain aspects of our oldest child. He was shifting from toddlerhood to preschool age and seemed to be...
Types of Texters

Types of Texters

Texting is probably the most common form of communication nowadays. However, texting cannot convey tone of voice, emotions, gestures, facial expressions and body language, context – all the elements of speech required for understanding...
Time Keepers

Time Keepers

As a young wife, someone older and wiser told me that we are often the keepers of time when it comes to our marriages and families, and to manage it well. In the past...