Two years ago, my husband and I sold our first home with its 12 foot square yard, and prioritized our new house search with the biggest yard we could afford for our sons. Our oldest was only two going...
Chattanooga is a happening city, and the time leading up to Easter is no egg-ception. (Hold your applause and/or groans until the end, please.) Whether you are new to the community or you are a Chattanooga Easter veteran, here at...
Being a mom during the winter months can be rough. Chapped lips, runny noses and an endless supply of lost hats can drive even the most together mama to the brink of insanity. To make matters worse, cold weather means...
I found myself saying ‘no’ a lot; like a whole lot. Why not say YES? If we are being truthful, I downloaded a counter app on my phone and tallied the number of times I said no in a day...
You don't have to be Irish or Catholic or a lover of green beer to celebrate St. Patrick's Day! If you are looking for something for the whole family to do, then you are a lucky leprechaun! Chattanooga has...
I was warned about how much driving I would do as a stay-at-home mom. I see the vans with the Mom Taxi bumper sticker or the little army of stick people and I raise my fist in a somber...
Life is short. Eat dessert first. This will be our motto Friday, March 4, as we celebrate the launch of our site by indulging in some delicious ice cream. We invite you to come out to Clumpies Ice Cream Co....
We are so excited that the big day is FINALLY HERE! The Chattanooga Moms Blog site is now LIVE and ready to connect moms in the Chattanooga area. What will you find here? You'll find resources for around town, events...guides for...
photo credit: Robin Dance Whether you are planning a staycation or coming from another place, Chattanooga is a fantastic place to visit for Spring Break. Often by late March to April, it's warm enough for just a jacket (and occasionally...
Let's be honest: everyone is looking for simple, easy, and efficient these days. As a type A person with a self-identified organizational gift (not OCD — come on, clearly I don’t have that!), clutter doesn’t stand a chance in...

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