Christina Morrow

Hi! My name is Christina and I am a SAHM of four amazing kids. We homeschool and although it can be hectic, we love every bit of it! I never saw myself as a homeschool kind of mom, maybe a PTA mom but not homeschool. Then five years ago when life gave us lemons we made lemonade. My kids are my world, they are ages 9,7,4 and 1. So needless to say I always have my hands full. My four year old is on the autism spectrum but that doesn’t put a stop to his amazing little self. In our house we believe everyone is amazing just the way they were made.
‘Tis The Season To Be…Anxious?
Here we are, enjoying what is for many the most wonderful time of the year. Don’t get me wrong; I absolutely love the holiday season! The lights, the excitement, the time with family and...
Motherhood: Survival Of The Fittest
Sometimes it feels like motherhood is a messed up game of survival of the fittest. Only motherhood makes you spread yourself so thin you could read a book through you, and yet feel like...
Living With An Invisible Illness
Sometimes I feel like I’m living life trying to be invisible and miserably failing. I remember when I was a kid, playing like we were invisible or trying to convince my younger brother he...
In The Blink Of An Eye
Goodbye childhood, hello teen years. How did we get here so soon?
It seems like just yesterday my oldest was smiling up at me in his Elmo birthday shirt on his second birthday. Now he...
Mama Is Overstimulated
As a mom, you are always needed. Motherhood is exhausting! Someone needs something from you all the time. "Mom, where’s my favorite pajamas?" "Where’s my dino?!" "Mom! I can’t find my shoes!" "Mom, the...
Brighter Days Ahead
I anxiously awaited summer this year. The hectic school season was becoming overwhelming and I looked forward to a more relaxed season of life where we could lounge by the pool, have some fun...
Neighbor Jackpot
What makes a good neighbor?
I guess the definition of being a good neighbor has changed over the years. Nowadays most would consider a good neighbor someone that doesn’t have loud music blaring at 2am...
In The Valley
Sometimes everything sucks. I know that is not putting it in the most eloquent of ways, but it’s true. Right now, I am in a valley and it really sucks. I have so much...
My Child’s Biggest Advocate
When you have children, you are their advocate. When you have a child with special needs, the advocating can be even more prominent. Whether you're fighting for their education, trying to secure the additional...
Finding Where I Belong
The hardest part of navigating through my adult life hasn't been the bills, stress, or even the responsibility of adulthood. Instead, it’s never really knowing where I belong. Let me explain: In school I...