Dawn Downes

Hey, y’all! I’m Dawn – a native Tennessean who could not wait to escape the small town for the big city. After attending a women’s college in Atlanta, I took root there and stayed. One marriage, two homes, two kids, and 25 years later, here I am, back in Tennessee. My husband moved here in January of 2016 to start a new job while our two boys, Brendan (born 2003) and Beckett (born 2006), and I stayed behind to finish the school year and sell our house. We arrived in July 2016 and have been working to make a happy new home here since then. We love living on the North Shore and I am enjoying finding unexpected beauty and little joys throughout our new city. I am also mama to fur babies, Josie the Rhodesian Ridgeback/Lab mix, and Miller, a sweet orange and white tabby cat. I'm into art, movies, music, TV, pop culture, nerdy stuff like Doctor Who and Game of Thrones and I know more than my share about the DC Universe, Pokemon, Minecraft, Battlefield, and all things LEGO thanks to having two boys.
That Cliché You Hate is True
The days are long, but the years are short.
It’s such a cliché. And in a year when time got turned on its head and seemed to move in the strangest ways – standing still...
Crave Connection? Embrace Vulnerability
A common thread woven into the lives of many people I know is a longing for deep, meaningful connection. As human beings we are hard-wired to bond and form relationships with others. While early...
I Can’t Wait to Nudge My Little Bird Out of the Nest
Amidst all the COVID-19 chaos, one bit of normalcy dominated the fall for my family: the college application process.
My older son, a senior at Notre Dame, spent almost every moment of free time writing...
5 Ways to Help Your Relationships During a World Crisis
We are now almost eight months deep into a pandemic that has strained the already thin fabric of our nation even farther. The effects of quarantines, economic uncertainty, and the constant worry over whether...
Confessions of an Overpacker
“Mom, you’re bringing too much stuff.”
That’s what my 17-year old said to me when he saw the two large tote bags filled with snacks, first aid supplies, medications, and cleaning supplies sitting by the...
Raising Kids to Fight Racism
I stand at a loss of words to express the pain and anger and frustration I feel over what is happening in our country right now. In the span of two weeks, we saw...
Be Nice to Your Quaranteens
When you were a teenager, could you have imagined, outside of being put on restriction for something you did, being told you couldn’t leave your house or see your friends face to face for...
Chattanooga is No Paris and That’s Okay
Last week, in between trying to adjust to my new work-from-home reality and worrying about whether or not my kids had completed the schoolwork I’ve largely been trusting them to do on their own,...
So Your Teenager Wants a Car: Some Things to Keep in Mind
There’s nothing quite as simultaneously exciting and nerve-wracking as having a new teen driver in the family. The only thing I can think of to compare it to is that period when your baby...
Secrets of Successfully Raising a Responsible Teenager
With two teenage boys living under my roof, I’ve been thinking a lot about how prepared they are to go out into the world. It has especially been on my mind as my husband...