Greer Caldwell

Greer Caldwell

I’m a Cheerleader, Not a Coach

My oldest daughter is eight. For the past few months, she has been practicing cartwheels and handstands in our living room, so I finally asked, "Do you want to try gymnastics instead of ballet...
How Full Is Your Plate

How Full Is Your Plate?

I'm at a stage in my life as a parent and a woman where my plate is generally full to the point of overflowing. I'm a stay at home mom to four active children,...

I’m a Stay At Home Mom and I’m Not Tired

One of the first things you hear when you get pregnant is something along the lines of "kiss your bed goodbye" or "sleep now, while you can." Once you're in the mommy trenches, you're...
How I Became a Mom {series} | Chattanooga Moms Blog

How I Became a Mom: Greer’s Story {Series}

My husband and I got married young (like, infancy) and after a little over a year we decided to start growing our family. We wanted to have at least three or four kids, so...

Planning Unique Themed Birthday Parties

My mom was the queen of birthday parties when I was growing up and her secret weapon was the Penny Whistle Party Planner (PWPP). The PWPP listed over twenty different party themes, complete with...

Managing the Family Calendar

I always joke (and by joke I mean say in all seriousness) to my husband that if something does not go onto the calendar app on my phone, then it's not happening. I have...
How (and Why) I Surprised My Son | Chattanooga Moms Blog

We’re Going to DISNEY WORLD! How (and Why) I Surprised My Son

For the Labor Day holiday and his sixth birthday, I took my son to Disney World. Not my daughters, not my husband. Just me and my little dude and The Mouse. The idea started forming...

Girls’ Night IN

It's one of those ideas that seems so simple and obvious once you've had it, but the first "Girls' Night In" actually kind of happened on accident. A girlfriend's husband was out of town...

I Like My Kids Like I Like My Chicken

A debate sprung up on a Chattanooga mom's Facebook page the other day when someone posted about the appropriate age to allow your children to play outside alone. The responses were split -- some mothers...

Too Cool For Pool: Must-Haves for Going to the Pool with Kids

One of the biggest items on our "pro" list when looking for a neighborhood to buy a house in was a community pool. I love the way it brings everyone out of their homes...