This time last year, I wrote about starting fresh for the new year. I was going to train for a half-marathon, get in shape, and start living the life I wanted, once and for all. Sure, it seemed lofty,...
Chattanooga Moms Blog will be celebrating three years in March, and we are thrilled to continue to be a part of your lives in 2019. Last year we started our community neighborhood groups to make the city seem a...
Standing at the kitchen sink cleaning up breakfast dishes, I listen to my sons bickering. They’re arguing over, of all things, the fact that one of the two likes to sing, rap, and generally engage in entertaining the rest...
It’s the new year. Some people have started their resolutions. By February, most of the resolutions will fade to memories. Resolutions are hard to achieve in the dead of winter when we want the comforts of carbs, blankets, and...
I know this is going to sound completely horrible, and I know we shouldn’t wish our lives away -- I know that one day, I am going to miss this -- but, can we talk about three-year-olds for a...
I recently traveled home to South Africa. I was born there and my parents moved our family when I was eight-years-old. I call it home because for the first eight years of my life that's where I lived, surrounded...
Parents and teenagers debate many issues but technology and social media usage is one of the hottest, hot buttons I’ve discussed with my parenting friends. The time spent on phones, tablets and computers is overloaded with conflict and many differences of opinions. Social media usage and even how much time parents themselves spend scrolling and posting affect our kids and demonstrate what we value as important.
I don't know much, but I do know this: motherhood is not for the weak. There are frustrating occasions, happy times, and moments of sheer exhaustion. At this point, I think I've written about all of them. Rather than...
We have finally decided to take the plunge and potty train our 2 1/2 year-old-twins. We have boy/girl twins, so I knew it would be challenging to get them both on the same page, but I thought if we...
The last thing I want to do is keep you up at night worrying about fires, accidents, loss of consciousness and whether your kid knows your last name. Well, actually, let me rephrase -- I do want to keep...

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In + Around Chattanooga

75+ Family Fun Activities in Chattanooga

85+ Family Fun Activities In Chattanooga

Do you need a quick idea for entertaining your children? Look no further as we're sharing a long list of fun activities for the...