2024: The Year Without Big Goals


2024: The Year Without Big GoalsWell everyone, we made it to 2024. As moms, we made it through the holidays, the parties, the millions of activities, and the new year. Another year down in the books.

As I sat in my comfy recliner on New Year’s Eve, I began thinking about everything we had been through as a family in 2023. I wanted to share some kind of sweet highlight reel or how I accomplished something big like everyone else was doing, but honestly I couldn’t.

Long story short, I think the only word I could come up with to sum up 2023 was “survival.”

2023 was a roller coaster for my family. Do not think I am a Debbie Downer; there were so many precious moments and love in 2023 for us. It’s just that, when I looked back on the vision board I made a year ago, I could see that 2023 did not look or go as I expected.

I love a good vision board and setting new goals each year. It gives me direction and confidence. But as I looked back on the one I made in January of 2023, I was let down. I had made such big goals like adoption, travel, a new home, etc., but not many of them did I actually accomplish. This realization made me sad and frustrated. So for the first time, I didn’t make any new goals to carry into the new year on December 31. Instead, I stumbled into a little pity party, if you will. Not the best attitude to have, but I needed time to think about goals for myself and my family this year.

After much thought — and realizing some things were either just out of my control or not realistic as a mom to four boys under five — I decided to treat 2024 differently in regards to goals.

I had the realization that sometimes in our life we need to slow down, focus on the basics, and get back to what we really need. That is when I decided 2024 would be my year of small goals. Things I could work on every day to make myself and family better.

There is nothing wrong with setting small goals. What some may consider “small” could actually be the pieces you need to make everything better.

I think as a culture, everyone gets caught up in setting the biggest goals possible to prove their worth sometimes, when in reality, those goals are not what we really want or need. So this year, I sat down one week in and made goals that I knew were small but could make big impacts in 2024.

I say all of this to let you know that if you don’t feel like your goals are big enough, that’s okay! Who said we can’t change them six months in? Who said we only have one chance to make goals for the year and if we don’t accomplish them we are failures? No one…

Let 2024 be the year of small goals for you if that is what will make your life better. As we accomplish those small goals, we can always add new, bigger ones for us to reach for as the year goes on. Use those vision boards and goal lists in 2024 to make the best you possible. They can change. They can be flexible. And most of all, they are there for you and you alone. So cheers to 2024! I hope it is your best one yet and that you can accomplish whatever goals you set (big or small) this year.

Do you always set goals each new year? If so, I would love to hear how you track them and keep up with them as the year goes on. Make sure to comment below and let me know!