Great Family Weekend Trip: The Atlanta Alpaca Treehouse In The Bamboo Forest


Great Family Weekend Trip: The Atlanta Alpaca Treehouse In The Bamboo Forest

Three years ago, we took our first visit to the Atlanta Alpaca Treehouse. It was smack dab in the first summer of the pandemic, and it was absolutely the perfect trip for that time: we didn’t have to make bathroom stops, we could order in food, and we were in our own space with just animals for company!

Since then, we’ve made two more visits to the property! One more with our whole family to the Llama-Stay Cottage again; and once with just me, my husband, and our llama-obsessed son for his 10th birthday to the other Airbnb property, the Llama Luxury Cottage.

We’ve been delighted each time with the generous hosts, our nearness to the llamas and alpacas, and the growing number of animal friends owned by the Alpaca Treehouse! They rescue camelids from auctions, especially when mothers and babies are going to be separated, and recently they added a third camelid species to their farm: two guanacos.

The Llama-Stay Cottage and the Llama Luxury Cottage are on either side of the Alpaca Treehouse in the Bamboo Forest, a beautiful property that seems like a dreamland in the midst of Atlanta.

We haven’t been able to stay in the actual treehouse due to the size of our family and age of our kids, but we have enjoyed our llama experiences just the same!

The Llama-Stay Cottage has three true bedrooms plus a bed in an alcove, making it plenty big for our family of six. It has outdoor space with bamboo forest to play in, a fire pit, and a deck with a grill.

The Luxury Llama Cottage is a little smaller, with three bedrooms and one bathroom. It also has a fire pit, but we found there was less outside space. We were also the welcoming committee to anyone visiting the actual treehouse or property, and there was someone working right outside the house the whole time we were there. It wasn’t terrible, but not what we expected given our other experiences at Llama-Stay.

The Luxury Llama Cottage is, however, closer to the barn area where the animals are, and it’s much easier to watch and feed them.

Come armed with a load of organic baby carrots, the only thing you’re allowed to feed the llamas and alpacas. You’ll find Figgy (the brown spotted llama) will eat them all if you let her. Their materials call her the Walmart Greeter of the llama farm, and that feels appropriate. Figgy even has her own Instagram.

If you decide to venture out, there’s so much close to this East Atlanta location. Zoo Atlanta, the World of Coke, and the Georgia Aquarium are all an easy drive. (If you’re looking for another amazing animal adventure, we highly recommend the Behind-the-Scenes panda experience at Zoo Atlanta!)

Llamas are the gentlest creatures, fun to watch and interact with. If you have an animal lover in your family, we highly recommend the Atlanta Alpaca Treehouse properties — tell them the Weavers sent you!

(No one from the Alpaca Treehouse asked me to write this even though I know that it sounds like an ad. Just wanted to share our fun idea with you! We paid for everything with our own money.)


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