I’m An Ozempic Mom


I'm An Ozempic MomI am what a lot of people would call an Ozempic mom, except I’m on Mounjaro, a similar drug that does the same thing, so tomato-tomato. 

I’ve heard and read it all, from being called a cheater in weight loss to vain. Of course, these people say nothing to me directly, but indirectly call us out in articles, social media, vaguebook posts, and the like. 20-something trainers whose metabolism and body haven’t betrayed their formula for weight loss yet. Male trainers who swear that all I need is a $20 vitamin and to work harder.


I read somewhere that the problem naturally thin people have with these drugs is that they remove the elitism from being naturally thin. Just follow me for a second. Someone who has never been forced to live in a bigger body riddled with hormone issues, has always been able to control their weight with diet and exercise, so they think that they are doing something different from the heavier person. They think that they are eating better, moving their body more, and have more self-control. We are learning this is simply just not the case. 

At my largest, I was around 240 pounds. On days I felt particularly bloated, I knew to not get on the scale, so I assume my weight had crept slightly higher than that. I was doing everything: trainers, pre-portioned food subscriptions, running, starving, tracking macros, and then long bouts of just living a normal life because I knew no matter how hard I worked, it wasn’t showing visible results. And every time I brought it up to doctors, I was dismissed — for years.

I ultimately was diagnosed with PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome), insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome X. PCOS being the clinically proven cause of weight gain and my ever-growing man beard. These diagnoses were the cause of my son unexpectedly being 11 pounds, 3 oz. and almost dying in a vaginal delivery, and the cause of my worsening acne, darkening skin, and colossal period cramps. These symptoms can be traced back to when I was 13-years-old! Years of ultrasounds, bloodwork, and prescriptions for Ibuprofen and rest. All dismissed for general PMS. My medical record in the military is full of visits for extreme pain after runs, and I’ve now learned that was likely cysts rupturing. 

I’m telling you, diagnoses can be life-changing and mine definitely was. Having the diagnosis helped me understand that I was doing everything right, but something was wrong inside. It wasn’t my self-control, my exercise routine, or my diet. Having this diagnosis gave me access to the right care and medications, a medication like Mounjaro. This diagnosis freed me from the guilt and shame. I don’t know how to even explain that one, but the moms that get it, get it. 

I had never heard of any of these GLP-1 medications before the day I went to pick up my prescription. I had to Google why everyone was so interested in getting an update on how my meds were working. Now, it’s hard to scroll through anything without seeing someone talking about them. 

Long story short, I lost weight and the beard growth has halted. I lost an average of 1.2 pounds a week (which is completely safe and normal) for a total loss of about 90 pounds. And I did it with moderate exercise and diet. I won’t get into how the medications work, but I was able to eat healthfully and sustainably to lose the weight. And all the other auxiliary symptoms have improved or disappeared. 

How does that affect my parenting?

I’ll share with you what my diagnosing doctor said to me: “You’re not going to know how bad you’ve been feeling until you feel good again.” I can’t stress how right she was. Something about having your hormones dialed in just makes the world right. I’m a much better version of myself on the inside and outside, and that trickles into every aspect of my life, including my parenting. My kids see someone taking control of their health, moving their body for health and wellness and not in pursuit of pounds, and someone who has a healthy relationship with food. I teach them to eat well because it is good for their bodies and because we all feel better when we do. 

They’ve seen me settle into the comfort of my body and I’m convinced that is one of the best gifts a mother can give her kids, especially a daughter. 

Disclaimer: I do not care if you take these medications without a medical “issue” or a diabetes diagnosis. I believe obesity is a diagnosis itself. Just do it safely and under the care of a doctor. These are not lifesaving medications although I’m sure they’ve saved a life or two.

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Jessica Pope
Hello! I'm Jessica. I grew up in Northern Indiana where I joined the Navy right out of high school. After 3 deployments and some amazing port calls I married a fellow sailor and began a family. We moved around a few times in search of a forever city. After a few visits to the Chattanooga area we fell in love and set in motion our move to the highly recommended Signal Mountain. I am slowly chipping away at my marketing degree while working part time at a local marketing agency. I am also a huge portrait photography lover and have a small studio up here on Signal Mountain where I shoot luxury portrait for children and women. You can check out my work at www.venyaportrait.com. We have 2 kiddos, Jazzy(6) who's larger than life and Joseph(3) who is taking his sweet time growing up. We have always planned to adopt as well and are currently awaiting a match for a big sister in need of a loving home. I also volunteer as a court advocate for abused and neglected children in the area. It's a great program and you can check out more at https://www.tncasa.org/. You can find me binging true crime podcasts and dark drama shows late at night. I'm a serial hobbyist, I'll never turn down an iced coffee, I actually try hard not to cuss like a sailor and I love meeting different kinds of people.


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