Like most of my fellow moms with kids under school age, I haven’t been out with a group of women for just a night of fun activities in a while. Usually, I meet a friend or two for dinner and a few cocktails, but rarely are we actually doing something.
But after our last contributors’ get-together, I’m definitely adding our local Pinspiration to our options for a fun night in town.
Pinspiration is an amazing space in the Gunbarrel area, that is creating a community for creatives that like to hang out and have a good time. And did I mention they sell a few spirits?!
Paint me basic, but I love a good cold drink, a blank canvas, and a whole lot of paint and glitter.
For those of you who are more practical and fun, you can paint a piece of pottery or join in on one of the other craft nights they host. They had a ton of different projects throughout the space to check out. My eye caught one of those cool nail and string art boards too.
Like I mentioned, the Chattanooga Mom contributors met there the other day. We didn’t just paint though, we took it up a level and headed into their famous Splatter Room. Yes, you read that right. A room dedicated to splattering paint. As you notice from our hazmat suits, we were ready for a really good time. And the best part is they have an Alexa there, so we were slinging brushes to the tunes of the Spice Girls and my 1987 heart couldn’t have been happier. I’m pretty sure Scary Spice changed the whole direction of my piece.

Don’t worry about your shoes or feet either — we had booties. I was actually barefoot in mine because I wasn’t prepared to sacrifice the Berks. But it was all good and I actually managed to only get paint on my forehead. Not really sure when, but I’ll take it. I’m usually covered head to toe within 10 minutes of any given project.
For this one though, I prepped my canvas first, as they suggested. You can paint a base coat or use some fancy tape techniques. They have a bunch of choices. After my base coat dried, I headed in and threw the paint around. I really had no plan — but isn’t that the fun with creating sometimes?
It was an absolute blast catching up with these girls and doing something new.
While I am known to be a little crafty and artsy, you don’t have to have any skills to participate and have a good time. And I wanted to try something new, so it was perfect. My piece isn’t exactly going to be framed in the living room, but I’m totally going back with purpose and maybe even going bigger. I can’t get the same splatter speed at home. I could probably even coax my husband into one of their date night packages too.