Carrie Buddin

Carrie Buddin
Hi there! I’m Carrie. When I’m not chasing pups and 10-year olds, I’m the owner/designer of a small jewelry business based in Chattanooga. I enjoy leaving things on the stairs for my child to take to his room but never does, spending hours of my life in the school car line, and packing a lunchbox every Monday through Friday until the year 2030.

Big Feelings On Aisle 9

Friends, it’s been a minute since I had a child of the “full-on breakdown in the middle of a store” age. He’s ten and while he will absolutely do his best “You’re ruining my...
4th Grade Is Basically College

4th Grade Is Basically College

Friends, I don’t know what to say about this current school year that I’m barely living through. But I will say this. I was not ready for it. None of us living under this...
Farewell To A Race Car Bed

Farewell To A Race Car Bed

Mamas. It is the end of an era. Today we reached a milestone. Today we got rid of the race car bed that my son has slept in since he left his crib seven...

Explaining Hard Things To Little Hearts

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I’ve spent the last two years explaining hard things to my son. Why he can’t go to school and be with his friends. Why he...

The New (Year) Vs. The Old

It’s the first week of January, which means it’s the first week of a new year. “New year, new you.” “Another 365 chances to get it right.” “Out with the old, in with the...

The Joy Of Looking Up

This morning I overslept. And I never oversleep. My alarm usually wakes me before my dogs or my chickens or my child. But not this morning. Barks were my alarm this morning because even...
Homeroom Moms and First Tattoos

Homeroom Moms And First Tattoos

I'm a 4th Grade homeroom mom. I organize thousands of goody bags. (OK, it's just 25.) I obsess over teacher gifts. On Saturday mornings, you can find me at the soccer field cheering on...