Chasity Baugh

Chasity Baugh
I am Chasity Baugh, I have four free-range children. We have lived in the Chattanooga area (North Georgia) for about a decade.. We love Jesus, are thankful for the outdoors and going barefoot. I am navigating through a season of grief, while maintaining faith. For more content check out
Morning Mayhem

Morning Mayhem

There are countless tips for parents: savor every moment; it won't be like this for long, you're going to miss this; sleep when the baby sleeps, then as they get older, wake up before...
Presence over presents

Presence Over Presents

Recently in a meeting at work, I received this icebreaker question: “What was the best Christmas gift you have ever received and what was the worst gift you have ever received?” I completely drew...
Tips For Toddlers In Glasses: One Mom's Perspective

Tips For Toddlers In Glasses

My three-year-old daughter wears glasses. She has worn them since she was a little over a year old. The first thing people say to us (after they ask if I know what causes pregnancy...
Don’t Diminish the Loss Your Baby Matters

Don’t Diminish the Loss: Your Baby Matters

October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. Ten years ago, I was due on October 7 with our first baby. I read that my baby at six weeks was the size of a sprinkle....