Erin Martin

Hello! Erin here! I was born and practically raised in Chattanooga, minus a few years as an Army brat. I graduated from Bryan College with a degree in Accounting/Business and currently work as corporate accountant. My husband, Michael and I live in Ooltewah and have been married 8 years. During this time, we have had some serious fun, hard discussions and added two pretty spectacular kids to the mix, Charlotte (5) and Jack (3). I love Jesus, books (so.many.books), coffee, coffee (not a duplicate) and TN Vols football! As a family, we love animals; farms, fishing, aquariums, zoos. If it’s got animals, we are there! Charlotte and I are travelers, but we are slowly getting the boys on board. We camp with friends and family (full disclosure: in a camper!), and I have been known to encourage dancing in the rain and splashing in mud. It’s good for the soul! Happy reading, friends!
Value of Friendships
Believe it or not, through the mess that 2020 has been so far, I have learned something valuable: to focus on relationships.
Typically, I am quite the multitasking woman. I thrive in an environment that...
Rediscovering the Virtue of Kindness
Kindness is defined as “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate." Mark Twain describes it best: “Kindness is the language which the deaf can hear and the blind can see.”
Unfortunately, modern society associates...
I Am Proud of You!
Hey lady! I am proud of you.
In case you haven’t heard that today, it’s important that you know that someone is proud of you. Maybe you ran a mile this morning or perhaps you...
The Return to Normal
These months have been emotionally difficult. My husband is working from his tractor and I am blessed to be working from home.
I'm thankful, but just like so many of you, the situation isn’t easy.
Hey Kid, How Are You?
Hey Kid, How are you?
The past few weeks have been wild. We have entered into a whole new level of crazy and I have been so worried about you. I felt myself settling into...
Opportunity Knocks
Have you ever heard the phrase “opportunity knocks”? All my life, I’ve heard this phrase and it created a stigma around my definition of opportunity. I am always on alert for the “big breaks”...
Allowing Grace
If your life is anything like mine, it gets messy. Some days, if I am being honest, I totally nail it. I have all the people in all the right places at all the...
Building Roots and Wings
Confidence. Franklin D. Roosevelt said these words, "Confidence...thrives on honesty, on honor, on the sacredness of obligations, on faithful protection and on unselfish performance. Without them, it cannot live." His words sum up why...
Outdoor Exploring
My husband and I couldn’t be more different. Can I get an Amen? I squeal like a little girl at the sight of a bug -- any bug as I don’t discriminate. I love...