It's the most wonderful time of the year -- yes, it's almost Halloween. When most people find out they are having a baby, they begin planning their dream nursery and registry lists; I began planning my children's Halloween costumes....
Kids grow at lightning speed, don’t they? Before you know it, your kiddo can’t squeeze his feet into those puppy slippers he wore happily for six months, and you’re staring at a closet full of clothes that no longer...
If you’re like me, many of my kiddo's everyday events and milestones are captured on my iPhone camera. As much as I want to break out my nice camera and capture them professionally, my iPhone is usually handy and...
I think most parents instinctively guard their children against obvious dangers but when are we using our own experiences to color our kids' view of the world? I think parents have a tendency to size up a situation because they've seen too many things go wrong. Is there a way that we can steer our kids around the same mistakes we made without infringing on their own observations?
  As my boys grow, they have more energy than I can muster after a pot of coffee. They are thriving and are healthy boys. They play soccer, baseball, they swim, and basically run around like Tasmanian Devils. Since they...
Before my husband and I had children, dates nights were a weekly occurrence. Now that we have three young boys, we take what we can get. Frequent date nights just aren't possible during this season of life, so one...
How was your day? <good> Did you have a good day? <yes> My kids are still young elementary schoolers, but this quick question and response cycle has come early in my house. Every day when I pick them up from the babysitter’s...
I'm a big believer in the old adage "it takes a village." Until recently I believed my village consisted of only people; now I'm welcoming anti-depressants into my circle. My life has welcomed many changes in the past three years....
With summer coming to a close and the temperatures dropping (finally!), I can think of many things that bring me joy: pumpkin spiced anything, walks outside, and the start of holiday season. But it hasn't always been this way. I...
As soon as the calendar turns to September and the temperature dips below 70F degrees, I know fall is just around the corner and my excitement is palpable. While each of the four seasons has its own merits, fall...

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In + Around Chattanooga

75+ Family Fun Activities in Chattanooga

85+ Family Fun Activities In Chattanooga

Do you need a quick idea for entertaining your children? Look no further as we're sharing a long list of fun activities for the...