Three years ago, we took our first visit to the Atlanta Alpaca Treehouse. It was smack dab in the first summer of the pandemic, and it was absolutely the perfect trip for that time: we didn't have to make...
Dear Jenn,
I am so proud of everything you have accomplished in your life so far, and I have loved watching you grow from my sweet baby sister who could get me to stop everything and play with her just...
Every now and then, my husband and I would discuss maybe having another baby. We have been blessed with three healthy boys in our family. I never really wanted to try to have a girl until the reality of my...
Two weeks back, I participated in my 20th high school reunion, an event that felt both distant and surreal as I traveled back to 2004 for a weekend of excitement. Reconnecting with old friends, sharing stories of our lives...
Potty training...the stage that everyone dreads!
I don’t think I’ve ever heard someone say that they love the potty training stage. If you are someone who does, I would love to know why. I’ve seen several posts lately from...
Dear Readers,
Few things fill my heart with joy more than a good Mexican restaurant. To be fair, my heart also skips a beat for decent and okay Mexican food. I am drawn to free chips and salsa, liquid cheese,...
I anxiously awaited summer this year. The hectic school season was becoming overwhelming and I looked forward to a more relaxed season of life where we could lounge by the pool, have some fun with friends and regroup from...
Is parenting in this age of tech near impossible or is it just me?
There are so many decisions to make from the time your babies exit the womb:
Should I even let them see the TV?
Should they watch...
Summer is only so long and I want to soak up all the sunshine and fun with my children as I can. We’re lucky to live in East Tennessee because we don’t have to travel far to find summer...
My husband can't help but make fun of me whenever I search in Google "What to do in...such and" while we are traveling.
When setting my goals for this summer, my biggest thought was to get out and enjoy...
In + Around Chattanooga
Family-Friendly Day Trips From Chattanooga
One of our favorite things to do as a family is travel, but in this season of life, several long, drawn out trips each...