Do We Really Need All Of These Buzz Words?


Do We Really Need All Of These Buzz Words?

Buzz words are flying all around us these days, both at work and at home. Professional words like synergy, innovation, and alignment. Personal words like self-awareness, self-care, and emotional support _________ (fill in the blank). But what about parenting? Does parenting have buzz words? Oh, it absolutely does. But since the buzz words in my house all involve brushing your teeth and putting dishes in the sink, I needed to do a little research.

So I googled “parenting buzz words.”

Helicopter parent. Healthy boundaries. Overscheduling. Overpraising. Oversharing. Self-regulation. Self-discipline. Free play. Free-range (kids not chickens).

The lists were endless.

Many of these came as no surprise to me (she says as she slowly raises her helicopter parent hand). But then there were others I had never heard of. Did you know there’s a parenting style called “dolphin parenting?” Listen. Parenting is hard, relentless, and exhausting, so if you need to bring dolphins into it to survive, then you absolutely do that. I fully support you and the dolphins, Mama. But, in all of the lists on all of the sites, there were other words, important words, that I didn’t see. Maybe these words are so common or so implied that they quietly step aside while other newer, buzzier words claim the attention.

Uncomplicated words like politeness, kindness, caring, and strength.

When my son was a toddler, I knew all of the buzz words. I read all of the articles and took all of the parenting style quizzes. But, now, it’s different. He’s older. He’ll be a teenager soon. I work full-time. I’m a single mom. And, I homeschool him. I barely have the bandwidth (buzz word) to get through a normal day. Am I a dolphin or a mama bear or a tiger parent? Y’all, I don’t know. I don’t even know what we’re having for dinner tonight or if I put the laundry in the dryer this morning. My days are complicated enough. So, I have no use for complicated buzz words. But what I do desperately need are the words that my grandparents taught me. Words that are — and should be — an everyday part of life.

Be polite to people even when they disagree with you. Show them kindness even when you don’t think they deserve it because, trust me, you have no idea how heavy their heart is. To love and to care can be two different things. So, truly care about your friends and family. Just as important, care about strangers, too, because your caring might make all the difference to them. Have strength of character and of heart because your strength will lift you up more times than you’ll be able to count. Your strength will lift others, too. I guarantee it.

These words aren’t buzz words; I know. They’re foundation words. The words you build yourself — and your children — on. They’re the best parenting style I know. To all of the list-makers, I’m sure they’re simple and old-fashioned.

But the best things in life usually are.


  1. Welcome Back… and I loved my circus also, and I love, love,
    love my beautiful daughter and her precious son…


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