Stomach Bug Survival Tips


Stomach Bug Survival TipsHi, I am a mom of three, and I do not like cleaning up throw up and really have to muster up empathy when my kids have a stomach bug because it makes me queasy that they are queasy. For that reason, I have some clever ways to stop the bug, help it not spread to all members of the home, and keep your areas clean-up friendly. I have been parenting for 16 years and the stomach bug still catches me off guard. I am divorced, but I remember questioning remarrying my kids’ father when they had a stomach bug without him around. Their dad was always on clean-up crew. From the walls to the floors, toilet and tub (did you know you have to teach a child where to aim?), carpet and rugs and clothes, he handled it. I did consider calling my mom, but I found out when I had a baby that she does not like gross smells or bodily fluids.

Now that my confession time is out of the way (and I’m hoping my kids’ father will now laugh if he is reading about my misery four years ago), here’s how I muster up the courage to tackle the stomach bug:

First, I need to know if you are the family that has a throw-up bowl that is also the popcorn bowl? Or the family that puts a bag in a trash can? I feel like that is a pretty clear divide and also says nothing about how you run your ship at home. Just curious! I use a trash can with an actual trash bag which is the first tip:

Prepare your space

Provide your kids with a space in which to throw up because they will not make it to the bathroom 9.9 times out of 10. I don’t really know what people do with throw up when it goes directly into a bowl or trash can without a bag? I knew I would rather throw the mess straight in the big trash can outside, so I first recycled Target bags in the little bathroom cans. One time it leaked from a hole in the bag, and that was very traumatic. Now I give the kid who is sick a full size trash can with an actual trash bag. Forget recycling with this sickness. I want a large area for them to aim, a bag that won’t fail me, and an easy way to dispose of things like it never happened.

Also, take your trash bags and line the area around their bed in case of splatters. Are you grossed out yet? Maybe I should throw in the word “moist” (what your child’s hands will be when holding the rim of the toilet) since we are already beyond TMI.

What if the stomach bug isn’t throw up, but is coming out the other end?

I wish we were in a Mom’s group having a cup of coffee that you would for sure spit out if I told you my most embarrassing story about having this happen. I will say this: the extra long, overnight pads that I accidentally bought came in handy one time during the stomach bug. I can’t see your face while you’re reading this on the internet, so I don’t know if you’re judging me and I need to reign in that story. So just use your imagination and maybe “accidentally” buy some of those front to back pads just in case.

Put some cleaner beside your toilet with a roll of paper towels or two for quick clean up after explosions. There is nothing gentle about a stomach bug poo. It can be violent. The amount of times that I have wished my big kids were not potty trained so that there wasn’t such a mess to clean up are numerous. But I’m also far removed from diaper days, so maybe that’s equally as awful. You forget those things, I promise!

Things I use from my wellness cabinet to stop the bug or keep it from spreading:

Activated charcoal. I don’t know what crunchy group told me that this would help stop the bug, but I am forever thankful. Every person in the home gets a dose and so far I have never had all three of mine catch the bug at once. If my kids couldn’t swallow a pill, I opened a capsule into applesauce for them to eat. They think it’s funny to call this “poo sauce.” Usually, after three doses, the bug has stopped.

Hydrate. This is a time where my kids who normally don’t get a lot of sodas will absolutely get all of the Sprite, 7-up, ginger ale, and Gatorade that they want. Did you know that room temperature drinks are lighter on the stomach than iced or cold? I don’t know the science behind that (or why 7-up is way better for calming the tummy), but my Nana told me that and she’s always right!

Diffuse essential oils to clean the air. Somehow one kid being sick can smell up the whole house. I would rather my home smell like clean lemons and trees or cinnamon and cloves. If you do like actual scientific research, read this PubMed article about how they do more for airborne yuckiness than just make your home smell good.

Calm the tummy with gentle foods/tea. Did your Mom ever tell you about the BRAT diet? Bread, rice, applesauce, and tea are the things I will let my kids munch on and drink when sick. Anything heavier, and it’s coming right back up. (Hello, teenager that convinced your grandparents that you were fine and to get you Taco Bell. Then, quickly found out mom was right about the BRAT diet!) Peppermint is very helpful to calm a tummy! In tea form or by way of diluted essential oil rubbed on the belly, it can settle the most rumbly nausea.

Did you learn something? Do you have a tip to add? Please share because we are all in this together as Moms who are on clean-up and get better duty!

Your now nauseous from sharing friend,


PS: I am not a doctor or someone who should be qualified to help *your* sick kid. I just want to pass on these tips for humor and helpfulness. I understand there are times when the stomach bug takes a really scary turn and is not just a one day, get over it quickly episode. Please take care and wash your hands, don’t go in public if sick, and find some humor. This too shall pass.

PPS: If you like honest tips for motherhood and need a brain cleanse from reading about throw up, here’s a post for you.


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