Christina Morrow

Christina Morrow
Hi! My name is Christina and I am a SAHM of four amazing kids. We homeschool and although it can be hectic, we love every bit of it! I never saw myself as a homeschool kind of mom, maybe a PTA mom but not homeschool. Then five years ago when life gave us lemons we made lemonade. My kids are my world, they are ages 9,7,4 and 1. So needless to say I always have my hands full. My four year old is on the autism spectrum but that doesn’t put a stop to his amazing little self. In our house we believe everyone is amazing just the way they were made.
Finding Where I Belong

Finding Where I Belong

The hardest part of navigating through my adult life hasn't been the bills, stress, or even the responsibility of adulthood. Instead, it’s never really knowing where I belong. Let me explain: In school I...
Am I Failing My Kids?

Am I Failing My Kids?

As a mom, my number one fear is failing my kids. We work so hard as parents to make sure we are protecting our kids from harm or bad influences, we try our best...

Finding Myself

I have come a long way in motherhood compared to my early years. Early on, I was overwhelmed with work, laundry, trying to be a perfect Pinterest mom (that so many others seemed to...
The Anniversary Curse

The Anniversary Curse

When I was young and dumb, and before I was married, I imagined anniversaries and holidays to be very different from how they've been. I imagined going all-out to celebrate every holiday and anniversary,...
Yes Mom Syndrome

Yes Mom Syndrome

Have you ever seen the movie Yes Man? In case you haven't, it’s about a man saying yes to anything he is asked to do. Need a ride? No problem! Want all the money...

Control Is Not Ours

Life can change in the matter of seconds, for the better or worse. We have faced so many changes in my family over the years -- surgeries, births, new homes, new adventures, new jobs...
Remembering Me

Remembering Me

Life is hectic and as a mom, I am constantly thinking of every little thing that needs to happen around our house to keep things working like a well-oiled machine. (Okay, okay...maybe it’s more...

You Are Stronger Than Depression And Anxiety

Have you ever dealt with depression and anxiety? Struggling with depression and anxiety can feel like being trapped in a glass box, especially when a feeling of panic sets in. Being trapped is a...
Our Last First For Homeschooling

Our Last First For Homeschooling

My last little is growing up on me. She has grown into a smart and spunky little girl, and I don’t know where the time has gone. She will start pre-k this year. This...
If You Knew Me Then

If You Knew Me Then

I find it crazy how much a person changes and evolves in their twenties and early thirties. If you knew me when I was twenty or younger, I can just about guarantee you do...