Christina Morrow

Christina Morrow
Hi! My name is Christina and I am a SAHM of four amazing kids. We homeschool and although it can be hectic, we love every bit of it! I never saw myself as a homeschool kind of mom, maybe a PTA mom but not homeschool. Then five years ago when life gave us lemons we made lemonade. My kids are my world, they are ages 9,7,4 and 1. So needless to say I always have my hands full. My four year old is on the autism spectrum but that doesn’t put a stop to his amazing little self. In our house we believe everyone is amazing just the way they were made.
DIY Furniture Revamping Project

DIY Furniture Revamping Project

With the uncertainty surrounding recent months, I have found myself home much more than I am used to. At first, I didn’t know how to fill up all the extra time. You see, even...