I'm currently pregnant with my fourth child. Yes, I can see you giving me the side eye and just waiting to ask questions like, "Was it planned? Do you know what causes that?" OK, maybe YOU wouldn't be that...
  You have come the end of your time as a kindergartner. Since you are my firstborn, this has been a year of firsts for both of us. I still remember the breathless, panicky feeling of walking away from your...
In a few short days, I'll be turning 30. The big 3-0. And I'm quietly or, I guess, not so quietly freaking out about it. You, dear readers, are now split up into two camps. Those of you under 30...
Did you know May is National Water Safety Month? Drowning is the number one cause of accidental death for children ages 1-4 and the second leading cause of accidental death for children ages 1-14. Please read more about how to...
I have two boys, and they are obsessed with superheroes. Captain America, Superman, Spiderman, Ninja Turtles - you name it, they have the t-shirt and probably an action figure. They haven't seen many of these characters in action, but...
As I am sure you are very aware, we are in the middle of a rather insane presidential election season. Debates have been held, some campaigns have run their course, and we are darn close to knowing who our...
Baylor summer camps have provided summer fun and adventure for 70 years. We take full advantage of our amazing campus by offering four overnight and 35 day programs all summer long. We also take summer fun seriously, which means...
Our family follows pretty stereotypical gender role assignments: I stay home with the kids and my husband works outside the home, "winning the bread" to support all of us. He commutes to work every day, sitting in meetings and taking...
“Sticks and stone will break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” How many of us have been told this as a comfort when our feelings HAVE been hurt by someone’s words to us or about us? This old...
Friendship is hard. It's hard any time in life, but it seems like in this season of parenting, it's even harder. It's harder to maintain old friendships (especially if they do no have children and live far away). It's...

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In + Around Chattanooga

Family-Friendly Day Trips from Chattanooga

Family-Friendly Day Trips From Chattanooga

One of our favorite things to do as a family is travel, but in this season of life, several long, drawn out trips each...