In a world of technology, mass-produced objects, and artificial intelligence, why should we take the time to sit a child down with a crochet hook or knitting needle? Why should we insist on teaching them something that, at first...
I've been thinking about my mom a lot lately. In just three weeks, it will be her birthday. This will be the third one without her, and the weight of her absence still feels heavy. Three years without the...
Maybe I am a lone wolf in this, but I absolutely hate cooking. Don’t get me wrong; give me an entire dessert table to plan and make, and I will bake by heart out and decorate until my hands...
While the hard, physical, daily tasks of mothering may wind down, we never stop being moms — loving wholeheartedly, worrying, cheering our kids on. But as our children grow, the role shifts. The problems get bigger, and there’s a...
Though it is only February and warm sunny days still may seem far away still, spring break is right around the corner, closely followed by summer! So, even if you have ice to wipe away on your windshield in...
As we have determined, I am the self-proclaimed lazy parent. I also love cooler weather and everything it entails. Cool weather + lazy momming = easy soup recipes. I most often use canned ingredients because I'm putting things together...
Do you ever think about going on a cruise, but hesitate to book thinking about the long drive to Port Canaveral or Miami? Did you know that there are a few cruise ports that are within a 6 to...
The trip finally left the group chat! I had a girls' trip with my besties this past weekend! We met in college, and despite the miles, marriages, babies, and careers, our friendship has stood the test of time. My...
The season of love is upon us! Over the last few years, Valentine’s Day has become a holiday favorite at our house. From the sweet gifts to fun decorations, my kids have slowly turned me into a Valentine’s Day...
As a mom of three in different age groups, I’ve seen my fair share of issues pertaining to each age. I’ve taught high school for almost twenty years and that’s one area I find to be the most interesting...

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In + Around Chattanooga

Family-Friendly Day Trips from Chattanooga

Family-Friendly Day Trips From Chattanooga

One of our favorite things to do as a family is travel, but in this season of life, several long, drawn out trips each...