Our Chattanooga Spring And Summer To-Do List


Our Chattanooga Spring And Summer To Do List

Most of our summers include fun activities around Chattanooga mixed with some kind of family trip out of town, usually to the beach. However, due to my upcoming big trip to Europe for school (I am finishing up grad school in the next few months), this summer will be a little more low-key for our family. Luckily, Chattanooga has lots to do, especially during the summer!

So, despite it being a more modest summer, we still plan to have a lot of fun! Below are some of the items on our family summer to-do list:


Last spring, we checked out the Thrillville Fair at Camp Jordan Park, and we had an absolute blast! There’s just something so nostalgic about fairs: the rides, the food, the memories! Creating those memories with my family was truly special, and fortunately, it’s coming back to Chattanooga this month from May 9-19, 2024. Creating more cherished moments at this awesome fair is definitely on our family’s to-do list!

SoakYa Waterpark

A couple of years ago, my oldest son and I spent a day at Lake Winnie and SoakYa Waterpark. At the time, my other two sons were still quite young, but I thought it would be something they’d enjoy as well the following year. However, due to our trip to Great Wolf Lodge instead, we missed out on visiting SoakYa Waterpark last year. I am determined to go this year and even plan to rent a cabana!

Vacation Bible School

I always make it a point for my kids to participate in at least one Vacation Bible School. It is a great opportunity for them to play, learn, and make friends! And with nearly every church in the area hosting a VBS, there is a wide variety of fun themes from which to choose!

Chattanooga Zoo Ice Cream Safari

One of our go-to events every year is the Ice Cream Safari at the Chattanooga Zoo. Do we make ourselves sick every year filling ourselves full of ice cream? Yes. Does this prevent us from doing that again the next year? No. Not only is this even refreshing in the middle of the summer, it is also great being able to sample ice cream from many of the different ice cream shops in the Chattanooga area!

Lookouts Game

Of course, one of the best American pastimes is baseball games. When my oldest son was younger, we used to attend Chattanooga Lookouts games quite often, but then life got busy, and somehow that became a thing of the past. My husband got to take our three boys to a game the other day thanks to an award my oldest received from school, and they all loved it! So we decided we definitely would like to go to another game together this summer!

Go On A Boat

Anyone that knows me even slightly, knows that I like water and boats. A couple of years ago, we had the best little sunset cruise on a pontoon boat from Chattanooga Riverboat. This summer, I would like to enjoy either a riverboat cruise, try out the Duck Boat, or even rent a boat to take out as a family for the day. No matter what we end up doing, we will enjoy some amazing memories on the river this summer!

What are your plans for spring and summer?



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