Decluttering Day 1: Kitchen


Decluttering Day 1: Kitchen

We have lived in our home for almost two years. We downsized when we moved in. Admittedly, we have more stuff than we need. I have a yard sale pile in the garage that has been accumulating items for a few months. With busy schedules, it’s hard to find the time to put together a yard sale. There’s so much stuff, it’s really overwhelming. I’m thinking the yard sale pile is now the donation pile. That’s besides the point though; as the said pile in the garage grows, I scratch my head at how full my home still is.

Clutter is no joke.

Maybe it’s just me, but between the kids’ artwork, sentimental belongings, papers, and just stuff, before I know it, I turn around to find a big overwhelming mess. Occasionally, it might get shoved in a drawer until that drawer is too full. It’s understandable having a junk drawer, but when most of your drawers become junk drawers, it’s a problem that should be dealt with.

The more clutter I have, the more stress I also have. A good friend recently recognized the impractical set up of my kitchen and multiple junk drawers, and asked to tackle it. Last week, she came over and pulled out everything from the drawers and cabinets. We went through it all, cup by cup, bowl by bowl (still must sort the papers). She moved the canned goods from the basket beneath the sink to display them in the cabinet. We sorted and discarded medicines, which is a task all in itself. My friend pointed out that everything should have a spot and if it doesn’t have a spot, it shouldn’t be in the house. After a few hours of sorting through things, she showed me my newly structured kitchen. It was amazing.

Getting a tour of the kitchen.

Day 1 of decluttering was a success!

No more loose lids to the Tupperware or cups, and I only have one junk drawer now. This whole process prompted me to think about how organization has never been my strength. I grew up in a cluttered home. The house itself was clean, but drawers, closets, and the laundry room were always full of stuff we never used. Looking at my drawers, closet, and laundry room, admittedly I have adapted to this same lifestyle. Thinking about when my parents passed…how many of those papers and random items did we keep? None, we tossed them because they weren’t needed.

Since my friend helped me in my kitchen, I’m striving to maintain this simplified mentality throughout the entire house. We don’t need the random pair of house shoes sitting in the cabinet for six months and never worn. We don’t need the old papers the school sent home, possibly last school year. I’m looking forward to working on the other rooms in the house that also need a little more TLC and a little less clutter.

As I move throughout the house, tossing those items that no longer have a place, I’m taking all advice and thoughts on decluttering.