Decluttering: The Clothes


Decluttering: The ClothesI’ve slowly been working around the house to minimize the amount of stuff we have. We tackled the kitchen first and it has made a noticeable difference. Next, I found a great piece of furniture for shoe storage at Dirt Cheap. If you know me, you already know how I love a good deal and I scored this piece of furniture for literally, dirt cheap.

So now that our kitchen and shoe area are handled, it’s time to focus on our laundry.

This area has always been a struggle for me. It is not so much the washing and drying part that’s a headache, but once the dryer shuts off, that is when it becomes overwhelming. Getting the clothes out, sorting them, putting them away…I would rather do any other chore than laundry. Still laundry must be done, regardless of how much it’s loathed. It has helped that we’ve been going through our clothes and getting rid of a ton. Recently, I was able to fill five large garbage bags full of clothes just from my closet. There are some shirts I will probably have for the rest of my life because they hold a special place in my heart and memory. The grey shirt with white stripes that I wore to my dad’s funeral visitation is still in my closet, hanging next to my mom’s yellow mickey mouse sweatshirt. They will always have a special place. My old concert t-shirts are folded, as well as all my marching band t-shirts. Occasionally, I will pull one out and throw it on for fun. These things are special, but the brown dress I wore to a high school event in the early 2000s, I kept for nearly 20 years just in case it comes back in style, is probably okay to say goodbye to. So I did. It was one article of clothing in the five bags.

Laundry is a full time job.

It has always been overwhelming and the most dreaded chore. There’s got to be a way to make this task more bearable, for me, my children, and our sanity. A friend suggested when sorting, putting my children’s clothes in a designated basket instead of a pile on the couch. So, I found some laundry baskets at the Dollar Tree. I got one in every color, brought them home, wrote the kids’ names on them with a fun message at the bottom. When I get laundry out of the dryer, I’ve started sorting it in baskets immediately instead of waiting. Then, I get the baskets to the kids and they go and put their laundry away. It has made doing laundry a breeze. It has seriously never been easier. I’ve found too that I only have to tell them once, not repeatedly to take their baskets and put the laundry away.

It’s truly been one of the best helpful tips a friend gave me, and I’m passing it along to other moms who could also use a little lighter load when it comes to laundry!


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