Ramblings Of A Mom, Up Later Than She Should Be


Ramblings Of A Mom, Up Later Than She Should BeI know I’m not the only one, but I am tired. It’s a whole new level of tiredness these days, physically and emotionally. We just ended 4th of July festivities, it’s late at night, and I am up later than I should be. For the first time today, our home is silent except for the rain sounds from the sound machines from the bedrooms. My arms are heavy, my legs are like Jell-O and I have a faint headache. I was pushing through the whole day and did not feel this exhaustion until I put the last of the kiddos to bed tonight.

We started out the day with plans to head to the jump park, but as we pulled out of the driveway, everyone was arguing and had poor attitudes, so we made a circle through town and returned home without going to the jump park. This was the first time I’ve done that — the first time I just turned around. You could see the shock on my kids’ faces as they begged for another chance. I do believe in second chances, but this had gone on long enough. It wasn’t an easy decision to make and I was sad for the kids, but being a mom isn’t for the faint of heart. Hard decisions have to be made. Later in the day, once better decisions were being made, we visited with some friends, caught some fireworks and returned home completely exhausted.

Here I sit, surrounded by clean laundry that needs to be put away, dirty dishes that need to be washed, a floor that needs to be swept, sleeping children (I am praying they sleep through the night), a Goldendoodle needing some attention, a ceiling fan that needs to be turned off (I’m freezing), and toys scattered on the rug…

I am just a tired mom. I did my best today, despite my children’s initial unpleasant attitudes and truthfully, I also need sleep. If tonight’s rambling serves as no greater purpose than to serve as a reminder that we need to rest too, then so be it. The chores will all be here tomorrow.

When we stay in constant motion, we don’t realize how tired we actually are until we take a moment to relax. Whether you’re reading this early in the morning, mid-day or when you’re up later than you should be… it’s okay to get that rest. I think my next step is to power down the computer, put my phone on the charger, turn on some TV for background noise and head to bed.

What helps you relax?