Christina Morrow

Christina Morrow
Hi! My name is Christina and I am a SAHM of four amazing kids. We homeschool and although it can be hectic, we love every bit of it! I never saw myself as a homeschool kind of mom, maybe a PTA mom but not homeschool. Then five years ago when life gave us lemons we made lemonade. My kids are my world, they are ages 9,7,4 and 1. So needless to say I always have my hands full. My four year old is on the autism spectrum but that doesn’t put a stop to his amazing little self. In our house we believe everyone is amazing just the way they were made.
Find Your Thing

Find Your Thing

Learning to believe in yourself is hard. Confidence has never been my strong suit. Even as a teen, I was the one second guessing everything I did, wondering if I made the right decisions....
April Is For Autism

April Is For Autism

Did you know April is National Autism Awareness Month? As a mom with four children, two of whom are on the spectrum, April is a special month for our family. We are raising our...
Weight Of The World

The Weight Of The World

Recently, I've heard a lot about burn out in careers. I understand how people get burnt out and how they try to push through until the burn out is extreme and then they end...
From Introvert To Recluse: My Journey Out Of Fear-Based Living

From Introvert To Recluse: My Journey Out Of Fear-Based Living

I have always been an introvert, but after the 2020 pandemic I think I became a recluse. We were being extra careful at first because of my son's weakened immune system, then things seemed...

The Power Of Body Image

I have worked over the past year to lose weight. I have done pretty well considering a few setbacks like surgery and health issues. But sometimes, when I look in the mirror, all I...
Life’s Not A Checklist

Life’s Not A Checklist

Over the last few months, I have had to come face to face with my shortcomings. It hasn't been a pleasant journey, but it has been much needed. I tend to get caught up...
It's Never Too Soon To Have Meaningful Conversations

It’s Never Too Soon To Have Meaningful Conversations

Words can cut like daggers, I want my kids to understand that. They are at an age where they are learning to work things out through conversation. As parents, we have to teach them...
Embracing My Glitter

Embracing My Glitter

I’m not coloring my hair. I am 33-years-old and yes, I am getting gray hair, quite a few gray hairs, actually. When I was a teen, I colored my hair with box dye, and...
My Last Baby

My Last Baby

My last baby is potty trained. So many of my friends get so sad when they realize they will never change their baby's diaper again and that they are done having babies, but I...
Every Child Is Different

Every Child Is Different

I've frequently heard the saying “every child is different” and believed it, but it never truly resonated with me until I had four kids of my own. You see, as a society we tend...