You get plenty of advice any time you enter into a new phase of your adult life. There are books and websites and blogs and magazines devoted to guiding prospective students, newlyweds, first time home or car buyers, entrepreneurs,...
If you know me, you know that I am an animal lover. Well…animal lover might be a bit of an understatement. My husband makes fun of me for constantly surfing and looking at all the adorable animals that...
From the front porch swing of my grandmother’s house, everything slows to a crawl. I have spent weeks and weeks of my life in and around that home. I can remember sleeping on a well-worn mattress, listening to rain...
When I was pregnant with my first child, cloth diapering hadn't even crossed my mind. We entered parenthood armed with boxes of Swaddlers and Huggies. (Look, weren't we cute? Now it's Luvs if they're lucky.) And yet, a few months...
My Best; Your Best; Different, YES! We are all different, our schedules are different, our marriages are different, our kids are different, our expectations are different, our ideas are different, our experiences are different; WE are DiFfErEnT!! I have been reflecting on my...
Before I was in the know about modern-day CDing ('cloth-diapering' for you newbies), the phrase 'cloth diaper' evoked images of mountains of cloth jumbled up around baby's bottom and held together precariously with safety pins. In fact, when I...
This topic has been on my mind over the last few weeks as I have watched my sister-in-law become a mother. One day we were all together, she and my brother-in-law entertaining our children like they have done for...
When I typed the title of this post, I immediately ducked as if rotten eggs were already being hurled at me. I fear the hate mail I will receive and perhaps should be concerned about my personal safety. I am not sure I can...
I think the term "bad mom" is thrown around a little too lightly nowadays. It's pretty hard to really and truly be a bad mom. Repeatedly and intentionally hurting your child or putting them in danger. Being consciously or...
Most of my parenting philosophy is based on my own crippling laziness and incompetence. I exclusively breastfed because I was able to and keeping bottles sterilized seemed really hard. I use disposable diapers because, as much as I love...

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Chattanooga Date Night Ideas

30+ Chattanooga Date Night Ideas

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner, so now is the perfect time to plan a fun date night with your significant other! Chattanooga...