Exploring Chattanooga’s Hunter Museum: Sharing Art With Children


Exploring Chattanooga's Hunter Museum: Sharing Art With ChildrenLocated in Chattanooga’s Bluff View Art District, perched high up on an 80-foot bluff overlooking the Tennessee River, is the Hunter Museum. At first thought, some of us may not associate museums with our children if our notion is that museums necessitate utter quiet and calm. That often does not fit the reality of kids, and yet the Hunter Museum is actually a place that welcomes children with open arms. The museum communicates this welcome, first and foremost, through the free admission offered to children, making it more economical to view the Hunter Museum as an ideal family outing. In addition to the free admission, the museum is intentional about inviting children into the museum to learn and enjoy the incredible art as well as simply to enjoy the experience of being there.

Sometimes, as we go about parenting, there is some tension between what you might actually enjoy as a parent and what your children enjoy, yet there’s something profound that happens when something is enjoyable for both parent and child. It packs a lot of punch when you can both spend time with your children and enjoy what you are actually doing. Especially if you are someone who loves and appreciates art, it may be really enjoyable to share the Hunter Museum with your children.

I so enjoyed the chance to simply walk through the museum with my children alongside while exposing them to art in various forms: impressionism, realism, sculptures, glass work, abstract paintings, and even art through media. Even if the attention spans of some children are shorter, just walking through the museum and taking in the art, even if it’s quick, is a gift.

Exposing children to art invites them to experience beauty, perspective, culture, and history.

The Hunter Museum’s artistic elements not only include various art exhibits housed within, but is also comprised architecturally of sleek modern lines combined with the historic, classic home that also makes up the museum. While meandering through the museum enjoying both the art and the architecture, there’s also the opportunity to enjoy various river views through windows, balconies, and lookout areas. 

I also so appreciated the interactive child-oriented elements incorporated throughout the museum, particularly including the doodle board in the more modern part of the museum as well as the children’s room located in the classic house part of the museum. This space offers kids opportunities to draw, design, and play music, providing a corner of the museum that is designed especially for them.

The Hunter Museum also offers special events throughout the year designed solely for kids including the periodic Sunday Studio event which consists of a two hour drop-in window of time in the afternoon focused on providing kids the space and materials to create art. Be sure to check out the museum’s website for the upcoming Sunday Studio dates.

The location of the Hunter Museum is ideal for more Chattanooga fun if there’s time to combine a museum outing with another opportunity whether it’s a quick trip to the nearby Rembrandt’s coffee shop, riding bikes or scooters along the Riverwalk, visiting a local ice cream place, or venturing across the river to Coolidge Park for a carousel ride.

For more information about exploring the nearby Riverwalk, be sure to read more here. If this post got you thinking about ice cream, be sure to check out this post. If you are ready for more Chattanooga adventures, be sure to read this post on playing as a family in Coolidge Park here