Learning to Work with One Arm


Learning to Work with One Arm as a Momma

Let me start of by saying I love to research…everything. So, when I became pregnant with my first child it was only natural for the research to begin. I researched all things pregnancy and baby: labor and delivery, postpartum, the best diapers and car seats to buy, milestones, child care, how to hold the baby, and how to carry the baby in a carrier. I was even changing diapers and feeding my nephew as practice when I could, but never once did I think about how many things I would have to learn to do with one hand.

After having two kids a year and a half apart, I am now three years into learning how to do everyday tasks with one arm while holding a baby or child in my other arm. There are so many things I wish I had known prior to entering motherhood, like that I’d pee when coughing or sneezing, all things postpartum, and learning to do everyday tasks with one hand.

So, here are just a few of the things I have learned to do with one hand since having my first baby:

Go to the restroom: Of course kids always want to be in the bathroom when you’re using it (because why not?), but my one-year-old insists on sitting on my lap. Plus, have you ever been to the airport and are scared to put them on the floor of that bathroom? Sitting them on your lap is much more sanitary, right?

Cook: Breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks. It doesn’t matter what I’m cooking, I always seem to have a baby or child on my hip. I’m convinced that no one moves faster than a mom with a baby and hot oil splattering everywhere.

Eat: I am pretty sure the only reason they like to sit on my lap while I am eating is because they like to make sure they eat all my food before I get to. I really should start eating more vegetables so they’ll either leave me (or the food) alone or they would finally start eating veggies. Win-win right?!

Clean: Vacuum, sweep, mop, dishes, laundry, and toilets. You name it, I’ve cleaned it with a baby in tow. I also use my kids not letting me do anything without holding them as an excuse to not do the chores, but shh…don’t tell my husband.

Get dressed: This is probably one of the hardest things I have learned to do. I struggle putting my underwear on without a kid on me, but have you tried snapping a bra with one hand?!

Put on my shoes: AND my toddler’s shoes while holding my one-year-old is not an easy task. At what age do kids put on their own shoes? I can’t wait for that day.

Hair and makeup: This one isn’t too difficult since I don’t do these things too often. Usually it’s no makeup and hair in a ponytail for me. Half the time I look like I’ve just rolled out of bed. I dream about the day when I’ll have the time and energy to put effort into how I look (haha).

Schoolwork: This one’s tricky because toddlers LOVE computers. Graduate school requires a lot of time on the computer, and I am pretty sure I have turned in papers with random letters from tiny fingers touching my keyboard.

Although having to do these things almost every time with a baby on my hip, I wouldn’t trade these precious moments for anything. Besides, isn’t that why we were given two hands?

What tasks have you learned to do with one hand while holding a baby or toddler?