You’re Good Enough, Mama


It’s been another long day. You’re tired with too little energy left to give. You rush bedtime and finally breathe when everyone is in bed. After you finish cleaning the dishes, putting shoes away, and then squeezing in a little time to yourself, you’re finally able to rest too.

But you can’t.

Guilt starts to seep in. Your mind wanders to all the things that went wrong that day: plans that were messed up, moments missed, and those words you shouldn’t or should have said. Your mind starts to wander more. You start to compare yourself and your life to other moms. You wish that you could be them for a moment. They don’t have these struggles. You just know it.

Sweet mama, please don’t give in to those thoughts or compare yourself to others. Don’t ever let anyone (even you) steal your joy. Please don’t let whispers of doubt become welcome in your mind or soul. Instead, remember that you are loved, you are worthy, and you are good enough, mama.

Motherhood: hearing “maaamaaa” being shouted out at you for the billionth time that day, scrubbing who-knows-what stains off the floor and walls, wiping tears and calming tantrums, finding lost toys, helping with homework, cleaning up a messy house constantly, comforting your child cry because they were left out, and the list goes on and on — it really is hard.

But you’re good enough, mama.

You’re actually more than good enough, mama. You’re enough. You were designed and created purposely for this. At the end of the day, it’s your hugs and words that help hold those tiny humans together and mold them for tomorrow.

But when you’ve feel like you’ve had enough, when you feel like you’re crumbling and don’t have all the answers, know that you are not weak, a terrible mom, or alone. Please remember, all of us mamas have been there. 

It’s okay to reach out. Talk to a friend. Release the stress. Call a helpline. Take care of you. Forgive yourself. And love yourself too.

Because you’re good enough, mama.