Jessie Weaver

Jessie Weaver
I am a work-at-home mom with four kids (ages 15, 13, 11, and 7). We live on campus at Baylor School, where my husband teaches. After living in Ohio, Indiana, and Virginia, Tennessee is home and has been for 19+ years. After years of having babies and preschoolers at home, I sent my youngest to school, and now spend my time working part-time for an online entrepreneur ... and picking up sick kids from school.

Vacationing with a Big Family

Does the idea of packing for vacation with a vanful of kids in tow make you break out into hives? Are you wondering if the Grand Canyon or Disney World are totally out of...
Eating Crow | Chattanooga Moms Blog

Eating Crow, and Other Side Effects of Having More Than One Kid

Maybe you relate to this situation: You had one, perfect child. You spent a lot of time washing her pacifiers off, refusing to let him watch any TV, and making only organic baby food....

I Trick my Kids into Eating Vegetables

Food and I have a long and complicated history. I wasn't a picky child, and I've always happily eaten most vegetables. I remember being the kid at McDonald's who ordered a chef salad instead of...
A Few of Our Favorite Things | Chattanooga Moms Blog

A Few of Our Favorite Things

In February, our contributors met up at The Spot for an afternoon of pictures, food, and a favorite things gift exchange. Every person brought three of a favorite item in the $5-10 range. We...

Stop Thinking and Just Do It

This week I got a kick in the pants on something that seems so basic and simple Nike made a whole very successful ad campaign out of it. Just do it. Here's the background. Winter turns...
Realistic New Year's Resolutions | Chattanooga Moms Blog

Making Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

I'm the worst at resolutions. Maybe it's my personality type. Once I read that it doesn't matter if I was going to go do A in five minutes, if someone tells me to do it,...

Teaching My Kids About Body Autonomy in the Everyday Moments

In the book I'm currently reading aloud to my daughter, there is a scene where the (male, 12-year-old) protagonist's former best friend plays a "prank" and kisses a fourth-grade girl on the lips on...

The Perils of Sharing Beloved Things with Your Children

My second child, David, has this gray t-shirt with a Golden Snitch on it. I actually got it from Melissa, after one of her boys passed it on, because I had lusted after it...
Applying to Magnet Schools in Hamilton County | Chattanooga Moms Blog

Applying for Magnet Schools in Hamilton County (for the 2019-2020 School Year)

So, y'all, we won the lottery. No, not the millions of dollars kind. (Sadly.) But a few years ago, when my oldest child was in preschool, we won the lottery with the number 23. It...
Loving the Summer with Kids | Chattanooga Moms Blog

Loving Your Summer with Kids

There has not been one time this summer when I've wished for school to be back in session. That's not to say there haven't been difficult times, times where kids are fighting, or times...