Favorite Kids’ Books Continued


Favorite Kids' Books ContinuedAs a book loving family, we added a Yoto Player to the house last year. It has opened us up to so many more books as our kids are getting older and understanding more. The Yoto Player is probably one of my favorite purchases we’ve made. Our oldest spends her quiet time (and any other time she can squeeze in during the day) listening to audiobooks. At times, we have to put a stop to the listening because there is just too much other noise going on.

In 2022, I shared some of the most loved kids’ books in our home and I’m here to share a few more that have become a favorite, ones I really enjoyed as a parent, and book lists I’ve discovered. 

Hotel Flamingo: We got this book series on Yoto cards for Christmas and it was almost the only book played non-stop for several months. I really came to enjoy these books and they have become one of my favorites for ages five and up. Written by Alex Milway, Anna inherits a grand hotel from her aunt and is determined to restore it to its old glory. All her staff and guests are animals. Throughout the four book series, Anna learns that it’s not always easy running a hotel for animals but also learns the importance of teamwork, friendship, showing kindness to all, courage, and strength. This series will easily be around for years to come. 

Magic Tree House: Jack and Annie live in Frog Creek, Pennsylvania and while out playing one day, they find a mysterious tree house in the woods full of books. The books take them on adventures to places back in time. Full of adventure, history, facts, and teamwork, these books will capture the attention of your five-year-old. We started this series by listening to the audiobooks and then reading the books. 

A Little House Picture Book Treasury: Adapted from The Little House on the Prairie series, this collection of six books is a great way to introduce your kids to the long beloved book series by Laura Ingalls Wilder.

We’re Going On a Bear Hunt: I remember reading this book as a babysitter and it has now become much loved by our youngest. Full of adventure and mystery, the story of a father hunting for a bear with his children will capture your hearts. I’ve often wondered what the family thought they would do when they found a bear. It’s full of easy and repetitive words that you can turn into an interactive read. Amazon Prime Video now has a 25-minute movie for this beloved book and Cosmic Kids Yoga has an interactive workout for kids as she tells the story. 

Oliver’s Tree: This one has also been much loved by our youngest. Short and sweet, this is the story of three friends who are playing hide and seek but one of them is unable to play in trees like his two friends. The two friends try as best they can to find a tree they can all play in, but their friend is saddened by not finding one. In the end, the two friends find a way that they can all play together, in a tree. 

Tractor Mac: If you have a tractor loving kiddo in your house, you’ll love these books. Written by Billy Steers, this storybook collection is about a red tractor named Tractor Mac and all his adventures on the farm with his fellow animal and vehicle friends. For kids who ask what everything is, each book contains a drawing of a vehicle from the story with all its parts labeled. These books are hard to find in used book stores, so your best bet is Amazon.

Religious books: If you are a believer looking for books for your kids, there is a plethora out there but some of the favorites in our house are The Biggest Story Bible, Polly and the Screen Time Overload, Tales That Tell The Truth, and Who Sang The First Song because we also love music. 

As my oldest is growing up and understanding more, she has started to ask about different seasons, holidays, bugs, animals, and the world at large. So, I’ve gone down various Instagram rabbit holes and found book lists with picture books to help answer her questions:

  • Sarah at Read Aloud Revival, Whitney from Brighter Day Press, and Sonya from This New Day have their lists separated based on holiday, season, ages, gender, and reading level. Sonya has an adult book list as well.
  • If you want more diversity in your reading, make sure to follow Jasmine Holmes on her personal account and Reading Everybody Black account.
  • Maya Le’s Instagram is also full of book recommendations that are inclusive of all. She posts videos for specific topics and books that focus on those topics like Juneteenth, Alzheimer’s, anger, fun math, asthma, South Asia, end of school transitions, autism, and so many more. Our very own contributor Jessie Weaver shares her monthly reads on her Instagram and you can follow her along on Goodreads too. The only problem I have found with some of these lists is that I can’t always find the books at our library. 

Oh man! I could go on and on listing books and resources, but we would be here all day. My desire and ability to read more has returned in the last few months as the kids have become more independent, play together well, and I am finding myself again. It takes a while after kids to find your way back to the things you love.

I hope you find some new additions to your home library to be loved for generations to come. What are some of your favorite family books?

Click here to read Kimberly’s first Favorite Kids’ Books post for more family reading inspiration!


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Kimberly Casey
Hi, my name is Kimberly and I am a new stay at home mom. I am a nomad of sorts. Born in Arkansas to a military family of five children, I was speaking German by the age of 4. I have lived in Germany, England, and the United States and have traveled to countless other countries. In 2006 I moved to Providence, Rhode Island in order to attend Johnson & Wales University where I received a Bachelor's degree in Food Service Management, an Associate's in Culinary Arts, and an Associate's in Baking and Pastry Arts. So you could say that I'm a foodie.  After college I worked in Collegiate Ministry for many years and loved every second of it. I would do it again in a heartbeat if given the chance today. I met my husband, Wade, in 2011 through Collegiate Ministry but we didn't start dating until 2015. Our entire relationship was long distance and we saw each other a total of 10 times before our wedding. After our wedding in 2016, I moved to Chattanooga where my husband is an associate pastor and I can say that this move was one of the hardest things I had ever done. After two years of marriage we welcomed our daughter into the world this past October. She is a joy, loves to smile, and has turned our world upside down. If I'm not in the kitchen baking or cooking, you can find me outside enjoying nature. 


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