Mom Deserves Photos Too


Mom Deserves Photos TooWith our upcoming graduate school graduation approaching in August, my friend and I were discussing taking graduation photos while in our 40s and sending out graduation announcements.

When I graduated with my bachelor’s degree two years ago, I didn’t have any second thoughts about having graduation photos taken. Aware that there may be a stigma or judgment from some about having professional graduation photos taken when in your 40s, I was proud of my accomplishment and found no reason for others’ perceived social norms to stop me.

I also found myself in an odd place. With classmates and some friends from school who were “normal” college aged, it was natural for them to have graduation photos taken and their parents send out announcements. Despite being a tad bit older than them, it seemed natural to me to do so as well.

My friend from grad school also had a young adult daughter who graduated in May and had photos taken. I mentioned how I planned to have photos taken again, including some headshots, and she was conflicted if she should have some taken as well. She also recognized this unspoken stigma and came to a beautiful realization during this discussion.

Just because we are not young, are we of any less value? Why should our accomplishments be any less celebrated or diminished?

I celebrate anyone who makes it through any level of education. It is an important thing, but there is also something to be celebrated even more when you make it through grad school while working full-time and balancing a family. It is a huge sacrifice and an accomplishment that those not in that situation will never understand.

Furthermore, I suggest taking photos for your children and descendants. One day, when our lives have passed by, they will cherish these photos of us. We don’t look at a photo of our grandmas in their 40s and beyond, and judge them for having them taken, do we? No, we cherish them. We cherish who they were, what they did, and what they accomplished.

So my message to moms of any age is this: have those photos taken. Capture this moment in your life. Celebrate everything that you are right now and embrace all of your accomplishments.

At any age — both you and them — are deserving of celebration.


  1. Yes! I wholeheartedly agree! Take those photographs. Those are accomplishments worthy of documenting. It is something you will never regret doing.

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