When There Was Just Us


When There Was Just UsWhen it was just us, we could do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. Go eat at a random restaurant late at night? Absolutely. Travel without stopping every hour? Always. We would stay up until whatever time we wanted and sleep into the afternoon sometimes. We went to the movie theater often. The house was quiet. We seemed to have more money and had the ability to buy whatever random things we wanted for ourselves whenever we wanted.

Sounds like a dream, right? Why would anyone want life any different?

Then we had kids. Now we are on a schedule and things mostly have to be somewhat planned. I’m too tired to stay up late, and if and when I do, I am woken early as my little ones rise with the sun. We rarely go to the theater anymore. The house is always loud and chaotic. We have much less money, but there is also so much more we have since having children.

I now have tiny warm hugs filled with so much love. I now have little versions of us to bring along and share our adventures with, even if we have to stop many times along the way. Many of these adventures include things that I would have never tried before or would have never gone to if it wasn’t for having kids, and it gives me an excuse to feel like a kid again. The loudness in the house is usually the sound of happiness, fun, and joy (with sometimes kids fighting with each other mixed in!).

So yes, we have much less money now, but we are so much richer than we ever were before.